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          SpectraPro HRS 全系列光譜儀

          作者: Kevin Peng    發(fā)布于: 2019-10-04 21:44    點(diǎn)擊:

          SpectraPro HRS Spectrographs and Monochromators

          image of SpectraPro HRS Spectrographs and Monochromators

          New, Versatile, High Resolution Imaging Spectrographs and Scanning Monochromators

          For more than 25 years, SpectraPro spectrometers from Princeton Instruments have set new standards for reliable high-performance spectroscopy. Day in and day out, researchers around the world depend on these popular spectrographs and monochromators for a wide variety of scientific and industrial applications.

          Building upon the legacy of these iconic research instruments, Princeton Instruments has now created an even more versatile, higher-resolution spectroscopy solution. New SpectraPro HRS imaging spectrographs are absolutely packed with the latest technology and are capable of facilitating just about any spectroscopy application imaginable.

          Now available - SpectraPro HRS-750, 750mm focal length

          SpectraPro HRS benefits include:

          • Exclusive AccuDrive™ grating drive system yields up to 3X improvement in wavelength accuracy
          • ResXtreme™ spectral deconvolution improves spectral resolution and SNR up to 60%
          • Most precise wavelength and intensity calibration with IntelliCal system
          • High spectral resolution PLUS reduced astigmatism
          • Multiple exit ports provide unrivaled versatility for multi-detector operation
          • Fully supported by 64-bit LightField software

          Unrivaled versatility!

          The SpectraPro HRS affords researchers truly unrivaled experimental versatility. Dual exit ports, each with a full 30 mm focal plane, permit mounting and operation of two array detectors (which could include any of Princeton Instruments’ CCD, EMCCD, ICCD, sCMOS, or InGaAs detectors) or enable the instrument to operate as both a monochromator and a spectrograph.

          SpectraPro HRS specifications and datasheets

          Model Focal Length Aperture Ratio PMT Resolution* CCD Resolution** Linear
          HRS-300 datasheet pdf 300 mm f/3.9 0.09 nm 0.07 nm or better 2.38 nm/mm
          HRS-500 datasheet pdf 500 mm f/6.5 0.05 nm 0.05 nm or better 1.52 nm/mm
          HRS-750 datasheet pdf 750 mm f/9.7 0.03 nm 0.03 nm or better 1.03 nm/mm

          NOTE:  Please visit the SpectraPro page for 150 focal length models.

          * with 1200 g/mm grating @ 435.8 nm and 10 micron slit width and 4 mm slit height | ** with ResXtreme and 1200g/mm grating @ 435.8nm 20 micron pixel, 20 micron slit width

          Gratings and Grating Sets for SpetraPro HRS Series







          New ResXtreme spectral
          deconvolution technology
          • Improves spectral resolution by up to 60%

          • Improves peak intensity of spectral lines by up to 60%

          • Provides up to a 60% improvement in spectral uniformity at all CCD positions

          • Conservation of Energy: Maintains total signal under the peak

          • Improves signal-to-noise performance

          • Saves original spectral information, allowing data to be recalled without ResXtreme

          • Is included with all SpectraPro HRS spectrographs that are purchased with Princeton Instruments LightField software!*

          * LightField required for operation of ResXtreme.






          Full-size dual focal planes for multiple array detectors
          • Permits mounting and operation of two cameras
          • Choose from Princeton Instruments CCDs and InGaAs cameras for UV – SWIR coverage
          • Enables operation as both a monochromator and a spectrograph

          • Dramatically improves wavelength accuracy and repeatability
          • Outperforms previous scan systems - yields significant improvements in accuracy and reproducibility
          • Automatically identifies the turret and gratings installed on startup
          • Performs several optical alignment routines to insure accurate initialization
          IntelliCal wavelength calibration achieves up to 10x greater wavelength calibration accuracy than conventional calibration methods, while IntelliCal intensity calibration removes unwanted instrument responses from spectral data. SpectraPro HRS spectrographs with IntelliCal ensure authentic spectroscopic data that can be published or shared across multiple user facilities.


          High-efficiency Acton optical coatings
          • Acton #1900 enhanced-aluminum mirrors provide highest reflectivity from 193 nm to mid-IR
          • Optional Acton protected silver coatings provide an average > 98% reflectivity and increased throughput over conventional silver coatings
          • Optional gold coatings available for NIR


          Powerful LightField software
          • Intuitive software package, with cutting-edge user interface
          • Provides complete control of entire spectroscopy system and experiment*
          • Controls SpectraPro HRS, Princeton Instruments’ cameras, spectral acquisition, data processing and more
          * Software sold separately




          Applications for SpectraPro spectrometers include:

          Raman spectroscopy | Fluorescence | Photoluminescence | Plasma emission | Absorption | Transmission | Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) | Microspectroscopy

          Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
          TERS - Tip-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy

          Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
          LIBS is considered one of the most convenient and efficient analytical techniques for trace elemental analysis in gases, solids, and liquids. LIBS spectra obtained by the Mars Curiosity Rover have confirmed that our sister planet could have harbored life

          Absorbance, Reflectance and Transmission
          A measure of the amount of light absorbed by a sample as a beam of light passes through it.

          Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
          Fluorescence, phosphorescence and photoluminescence occur when a sample is excited by absorbing photons and then emits them with a decay time that is characteristic of the sample environment.

          General Raman
          The most common application of Raman spectroscopy involves the vibrational energy levels of a molecule. Incident laser light in the UV, visible or NIR, is scattered from molecular vibrational modes.

          Plasma Emission Spectroscopy
          The different types of plasma emission spectroscopy can be categorized by how the plasma is generated. Spectra of nuclear fusion plasmas are used to ascertain the chemical species present and other properties

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